College & Career
Graduating high school, going to college, joining the workforce, and potentially getting married. The period of your life where you are truly entering adulthood is a time of change and challenges. For young Christians it may be the first time you have left the authority of your parents or encountered many of the world’s more challenging temptations. It may be the first time you have to choose to go to church or serve God. For both Christians and non-Christians this is a time of life where you will make decisions that can and will impact you more than any other and it may be the time we are least equipped to make them. The goal of the Underwood Baptist Church College and Career class is to support each other and help each other grow in the Lord so that He can equipped us for and guide us through this critical time. We look at the foundational doctrines and teachings of the Bible that can help navigate the challenges todays young people face and work to understand what we believe and why believe it. This gives each of us a foundation for our beliefs based not on what parents, teachers, or pastors have told us but on the truth of the Word of God to help everyone of us become the person God wants us to be.
Teachers: Adam & Amanda Wheeler